02 | Cultural Etiquette and Customs

Today you will learn 5 new English words related to "Cultural Etiquette and Customs"

TODAY’S TOPIC: “Cultural Etiquette and Customs”

You, as an ESL learner, should study cultural etiquette and customs in order to communicate better in diverse settings. Understanding how different cultures behave helps avoid misunderstandings and promotes positive interactions. Today’s vocabulary words will help you learn how to conversate more comfortably on the topic of “cultural etiquette and customs”. So, let’s jump right in!


1 | Customary

  • Part of speech: Adjective

  • Definition: In accordance with tradition or common practice.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. It is customary to exchange gifts during certain cultural celebrations.

    2. Customary greetings vary from region to region.

    3. Wedding ceremonies often include customary rituals passed down through generations.

2 | Gestures

  • Part of speech: Noun

  • Definition: Movements or actions that express thoughts, feelings, or intentions.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. Different cultures may interpret gestures differently.

    2. It's essential to be aware of offensive gestures in unfamiliar cultures.

    3. Non-verbal gestures can convey emotions effectively.

3 | Mannerism

  • Part of speech: Noun

  • Definition: A distinctive and habitual behavior or way of speaking.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. Pay attention to cultural mannerisms to blend in seamlessly.

    2. Non-verbal mannerisms can convey subtle cultural nuances.

    3. Understanding regional mannerisms helps in effective communication.

4 | Taboo

  • Part of speech: Noun

  • Definition: A social or cultural prohibition or restriction.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. It's important to be aware of taboos when discussing certain topics.

    2. Cultural taboos may vary, so sensitivity is crucial.

    3. Violating taboos can lead to unintended offense in unfamiliar cultures.

5 | Tolerance

  • Part of speech: Noun

  • Definition: The ability to accept and respect differences in opinions, beliefs, or practices.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. Cultural tolerance promotes a more inclusive society.

    2. Tolerance is crucial in navigating diverse workplace environments.

    3. Developing tolerance leads to stronger interpersonal relationships in multicultural communities.


Cultural etiquette and customs play a significant role in fostering positive interactions among individuals from diverse backgrounds. It is customary for people to greet each other in various ways, reflecting their cultural norms. Non-verbal gestures and mannerisms also contribute to effective communication, but it's crucial to be aware of cultural nuances to avoid unintended misunderstandings. Certain topics may be considered taboo in different societies, highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity and tolerance. Tolerance, in this context, involves respecting and accepting differences in customs and traditions. Embracing cultural etiquette not only enriches interpersonal relationships but also promotes harmony in multicultural communities, emphasizing the value of understanding and appreciating diverse ways of life.

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